Seer Practice
The Seer’s energy channels through each of us, whether we are Seers or not. Without the energy of the Seer, the world would fall into disconnection, isolation, and such extreme forms of discord that we would forget are part of something more. We would forget what it means to belong to a story that is greater than our own—to believe in something beyond what we can see, touch, and smell.
It is the energy of the Seer that keeps us in relationship with the mystery: the beautiful, mystical, otherworldly aspects of being alive.
Try taking an iPod, MP3 player, CD player, or radio outside to a public place. Scroll through the music collection until you find the rhythm that most reflects the setting you are in. You will know you’ve found the right song because people will walk, doors will slam, dogs will bark, everything match the tempo of the song. This is the music of the space between: a sound to mimic what you see.
The beauty of the Seers is that this space between is a grand and infinite web. A cosmic interconnection that binds us each to each other. True Seers sense this space between, but also learn to manipulate it for the good of the whole.
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