Available on Amazon in digital and hard copy formats.
Hello Dear One,
You been pondering the meaning of it all lately? Wondering what you’re here to do and be?
Me too.
That’s why I wrote this book; as a guide to help you remember your Soul's unique gift and how to wield it powerfully in the world.
I say ‘remember’ because it was never lost to you, little love. Sometimes, we just forget the Glory of the World and our place in it. That’s life sometimes.
But this book is a path back to yourself. A way to remember. A way to stretch your heart wide open with all the wonder and awe at the magnificence that is you.
All my love,
What People are Saying
What People are Saying --
“It was a totally different and amazing experience to find your real soul in one word.”
“Christin Myrick’s... system is elegant, imminently simple, useful, packed with keys to inform one’s own truest self. Ms Myrick has synthesized much wisdom. I can that she helps people to be more alive, more authentic, letting go of false identities to reveal the beauty underneath. I recommend it highly. ”
“Helping people understand themselves and others deeply at the core is a sacred and valuable service to the world. Thank you for giving us the tools to do so.”
“This Soul work is so important and relevant and everyone needs to know about it.”
“This book surprised me - I was surprised by how much clarity I got from reading it. Definitely worth the read for anyone who wants to get to know themselves deeper and to experience the peace and harmony that comes with that insight. ”
“I was so nervous that I would not have a [divine purpose type] or that I would not be able to help people. I am a Seer, though, and I know now that I am strong and see the in between. I cannot thank you enough for helping me see that.”
“My primary type is Messenger which I discovered a few months ago. Now, a handful of months later, I barely feel like I am the same person I was. Still very much me, but so much stronger in my inner (and outer) voice and resting in my gift.”
Available on Amazon in digital and hard copy formats.